Academics: How to create your Learning Journey
The short video below shows you how to create your Learning Journey. You can also download the Quick Start Guide at the bottom of this page.

Once you have logged in it’s important to watch the short introduction video. It will introduce you to each step that makes up a learning journey and will help you understand how you can get the most out of the experience.
After you’ve watched the video, click the “Start my first journey” button.
What’s your role today? Click the box that applies to you. What do you want to achieve? Choose your journey by ticking the box and clicking continue.
Next you’ll see the Learning Journeys Platform dashboard. Now you can get started creating your learning journey.
Choose my purpose: What do you want to achieve, improve or become? This is where you’ll define your journeys purpose.
If you’re doing this as a part of a class, your lecturer will help you define what this is. It’s best you wait for them before you start to use the platform. If you’re working independently, watch the videos and read the material to understand how to define your journeys purpose.
Ok, let’s go.
On the next screen you can think about your purpose and record some goals. Take some time to think about the questions and put your answers in the boxes provided.
Now you can move onto the next step: Diagnose and Plan.
Again, it’s important to watch the short video to help you understand this step of your learning journey.
Ok, let’s go.
Now it’s time to fill out your Learning Power Survey. Think about each question and tick the numbered box that you think is the most true for you. There’s a key on the side explaining what each number means. Click next at the bottom to move to the next page, or if you make a mistake you can always click the go back button. And if you want to keep track of how far you’ve come, take a look at the rocket at the top of the page.
Great, you’ve completed the Learning Power Profile. The next video will help you learn how to interpret your results. Once you’ve finished watch the video, click the view my results button to bring up your profile.
Here you can view your results presented in a spider diagram. You can also move to the detailed results tab to see learn more about your results specific to each learning dimension.
It’s a good idea to take some time to reflect on your profile before you move to the next step of setting your target profile.
Once you think you’re ready, you can move the spider diagram as a way to set a goal for how you want to improve. Simply click and drag each of the dimensions you want to work on and click save profile settings. You don’t need to work on every dimension if you don’t want to. You may decide working on one or two is enough for you
Next it’s time to set your objectives for each of the learning dimensions you’ve decided to work on. Think about the context in which you want them to improve and explain what you’re going to do about it.
Next is "Do the Job". Watch the short video to find out what this step entails.
Congratulations. You've created your first Learning Journey. The next step of your Learning Journey is to Measure and Evaluate, but this will happen later. When you're ready for this step, there is another video to guide you.