Action items and challenges to address in the development of responsible AI.

Responsible AI Research Group Action Plan

Responsible AI Research Group Action Plan
Frameworks to guide the Responsible AI Research Group’s Action Plan:
- Microsoft’s Responsible AI Standards.
- National strategies on responsible AI.
- Group Co-ordinator Yi Zhang’s bibliometric studies analysing responsible AI-research related articles (forthcoming), in addition to the ongoing research into the topic by the Computer Science community.
- ISO/IEC SC42 Committee for Standardisation of AI, of which Paul Kennedy is a member.
Action Items:
- The Responsible AI Research Group plans to conduct seminars with a cross-disciplinary focus, inviting speakers from a wide range of fields including lawyers, government policy experts, researchers from other disciplines and industries.
- Host a talk by members from the ISO/IEC SC42 Committee for Standardisation of AI, to discuss progress in this matter and identify areas for our potential contribution.
- Internal seminars delivered by our group members, focusing on each member’s research interests/strengths, with the view towards cross-lab collaboration on specific technical issues, e.g. responsible topics in CV, and robust/fairness neural networks.
- Events with SIG Large Language Models to promote potential common interests on NLP and related topics.
- Establish a group email list, in which group members can share their research, reading documents, thoughts within the group to promote further collaboration and to stimulate ideas.