Our focus is on frontier research that firmly puts humans at the centre of AI.

HAI research areas
Embracing the fifth industrial revolution through human-centric artificial intelligence
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At the Human-centric Artificial Intelligence Centre (HAI) we prepare for the Fifth Industrial Revolution that will see the creation of human-centred solutions using AI and automation. Teaming human intelligence with AI maximises adaptiveness and spontaneous cooperation between human and machine for applications where reliability, precision, safety and speed are paramount.
We focus on three areas of research.
Trustworthy human-autonomy teaming (tHAT)
tHAT enables collaborative decision-making and control between humans and machines, improving task performance. It serves as a kernel for future applications such as human-robot teaming in unstructured environments.
Spontaneous autonomous swarm intelligence (sASI)
sASI uses swarm intelligence to enable spontaneous teaming and cooperative tactics in robots and drones for applications in traffic control, agriculture, and defence, utilising multi-agent reinforcement learning.
Natural brain-computer interface (nBCI)
nBCI aims to enable natural and hands-free interaction between the brain and machines, potentially replacing current interfaces and being foundational for wearable devices.