Cancer Symptom Trials (CST) is offering two $1,000 regional travel grants and complimentary registrations for the PaCCSC & CST Research Forum 2025 on 27 and 28 March at the International Convention Centre, Sydney.

Travel grants

2023 regional travel grant recipients, Joanne Cooper and Fiona Lysaught with Linda Brown, former PaCCSC/CST National Manager
We are pleased to share that Cancer Symptom Trials (CST) is offering two $1,000 regional travel grants and complimentary registration for the PaCCSC & CST Research Forum 2025.
To be eligible for the travel grants you must:
- be an existing PaCCSC or CST member or have submitted a membership application before 1 February 2025; see link to membership applications on the forum website
- work in rural or regional Australia
- work at least 0.4FTE in oncology or palliative care as a clinician (or researcher whose research is predominantly in symptom management in an oncology or palliative population)
- have an interest in cancer symptom management or palliative care clinical research
- demonstrate how attending the conference will enhance your professional development and align with your current work or future goals
- have approval from your supervisor (to confirm your employment eligibility and for your employer to invoice for the travel grant funds)
- commit to writing a 500- to 1000-word article about your experience of attending the forum (editing support will be provided by the CST team)
Successful applicants will be notified by mid-February 2025. Travel grants will be disbursed to your employer upon receipt of an invoice, with invoicing details to be provided at the time of notification.
Complimentary forum registration will also be given (valued at $370) with a discount code being issued upon confirmation of a travel grant. All travel bookings are to be made by the grant recipient and no further funding will be provided if costs are greater than the grant amount.
Key dates
- Regional travel grant applications close: 2 February 2025
- Registrations close: 19 March 2025
Travel grant applications closed on 2 February 2025.
This initiative is supported by CST’s infrastructure funding through Cancer Australia.