Books/Book chapters
Murrihy, R. C., Reinke, W., Burns, J., Herman, K., King, K., & Kidman, A. D. (2014). Evidence-based assessment and Intervention for ODD and CD in school psychology. In M. Terjesen & M., Thielking (Eds.), Australian Handbook of School Psychology. NY: Springer.
Perry, Y., Varlow, M., Dedousis-Wallace, A., Murrihy, R. C., Ellis, D. M., & Kidman, A. D. (2013). Moving Forward: Introduction to Psychosis. Sydney: Foundation for Life Sciences.
Murrihy, R. C., Kidman, A. D., & Ollendick, T. H. (Eds., 2011), Clinical Handbook of Assessing and Treating Conduct Problems in Youth. NY: Springer Press.
Murrihy, R. C. (2011) Social Competency CBT-Based Group Training for Youth in Alternative School Settings. In R. C. Murrihy., A. D. Kidman & T. H. Ollendick (Eds.). Clinical Handbook of Assessing and Treating Conduct Problems in Youth (pp. 295-332). NY: Springer Press.
Murrihy, R. C., Ollendick, T. H., & Kidman, A. D. (2011). Epilogue: Future Directions in Research and Practice. In R. C. Murrihy., A. D. Kidman & T. H. Ollendick (Eds.). Clinical Handbook of Assessing and Treating Conduct Problems in Youth (pp. 295-332). NY: Springer Press.
Murrihy, R. C., Dedousis-Wallace, A., Ollendick, T. O., Greene, R., & McAloon, J. (2019). Translating efficacy research into a "real world" setting: A randomized comparison trial comparing Collaborative and Proactive Solutions to Parent Management Training for oppositional youth. In prep.
Perry, Y., Murrihy, R. C., Varlow, M., Dedousis-Wallace, A., Ellis, D. M., Langdon, R., & Kidman, A. D. (2014). The Development and Implementation of a Pilot CBT for Early Psychosis Service: Achievements and Challenges. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Doi: 10.1111/eip.12145.
Dedousis-Wallace, A., Shute, R., Varlow, M., Murrihy, R. C., & Kidman, T. (2013). Predictors of teacher intervention in indirect bullying at school and outcome of a professional development presentation for teachers. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology. Doi: 10.1080/01443410.2013.785385.
Varlow, M., Wuthrich, V. M., Murrihy, R. C., Remond, L.C., Tuqiri, R.I., van Kessel, J. M. M., Wheatley, A.C., Dedousis-Wallace, A. & Kidman, A.D. (2009). Stress literacy in Australian adolescents. Youth Studies Australia, 29(4), 29-34.
Murrihy, R., Byrne, M. K., & Gonsalvez, C. (2009). Testing an empirically derived mental health training model featuring small groups, distributed practice and patient discussion. Medical Education, 43(2), 140-145.
Wheatley, A., Murrihy, R. C., Van Kessel, J., Wuthrich, V., Remond, L., Tuqiri, R., Dadds, M., & Kidman, A. (2007). Aggression management training for youth in behaviour schools: A quasi-experimental study, Youth Studies Australia, 28(1), 29-36.
Murrihy, R. C. & Byrne, M. K. (2005). Training models for psychiatry in primary care: a new frontier. Australasian Psychiatry, 13(3), 296-301.
Boyle, G. J. & Murrihy, R. C. (2001). A preliminary study of hormone replacement therapy and psychological mood states in perimenopausal women. Psychological Reports, 88 160-170.
Conference presentations and posters
Murrihy, R. C., Dedousis-Wallace, A., Ollendick, T. O., Greene, R., & McAloon, J. (2019). Translating efficacy research into a "real world" setting: A randomized comparison trial comparing Collaborative and Proactive Solutions to Parent Management Training for oppositional youth. 9th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Berlin. Symposium: Paper presented.
Murrihy, R. C., Dedousis-Wallace, A., Ollendick, T. O., Greene, R., & McAloon, J. (2016). Advances in Conceptualisation and Treatment of Youth with Oppositional Defiant Disorder: A Comparison of Two Major Therapeutic Models. 8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Melbourne. Symposium: Paper presented.
Murrihy, R. C., Kidman, Ellis, D., Fitzgerald, D., & Dedousis-Wallace, A. (2013, July). Help seeking in adolescents: Have new government mental health initiatives in Australia improved treatment access and response for this critically underserviced population? 7th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Lima, Peru. Symposium: Paper presented.
Kidman, A. D., Murrihy, R. C., Perry, Y., Dedousis-Wallace, A., Ellis, D., & Varlow, M. (2013, July). The development of a specialized CBT for early psychosis: Translation to a user friendly manual. 7th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Lima, Peru. Paper presented.
Murrihy, R. C., Varlow, M., Dedousis-Wallace, A., Perry, Y., & Kidman, A. D. Cyberbullying in Adolescence: Prevalence, profiles and help-seeking. 6th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Boston, USA. Poster presented.
Kidman, A. D., Perry, Y., Varlow, M., Dedousis-Wallace, A., Murrihy, R. C., & Langdon, R. (2010, June). Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Early Psychosis: From research to clinical practice. 6th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Boston, USA. Paper presented.
Dedousis-Wallace, A., Shute, R., Varlow, M., Murrihy, R. C., Perry, Y., & Kidman, A. D. (2010, June). Indirect bullying: Predicting and improving teacher intervention. 6th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Boston, USA. Poster presented.
Murrihy, R.C., Varlow, M. & Kidman, A.D. (2009, November). Cyber Bullying: Prevalence, profiles and help-seeking. 43rd Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. New York, USA. Poster presented.
Wuthrich, V., Varlow, M., Murrihy, R.C., Remond, L.C., Tuqiri, I.R., Dedousis-Wallace, A. & Kidman, A.D. (2008, September). Adolescent Mental Health Literacy: The Case of Stress. 31st National Conference of the Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Adelaide, Australia. Paper presented.
Varlow, M., Kidman, A.D., Murrihy. R.C., Dedousis-Wallace, A. & Remond, L.C. (2008, September). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Early Psychosis: Preliminary results from a community based trial. 31st National Conference of the Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Adelaide, Australia. Paper presented.
Murrihy, R. C., Wheatley, A., Van Kessel, J., Wuthrich, V., Remond, L., Tuqiri, R., Dadds, M., & Kidman, A. (2007, September). Aggression management training for oppositional adolescents in Behavioural Schools: Pilot trial of a CBT-based intervention. 42nd Annual Australian Psychology Society Conference. Brisbane, Australia. Paper presented.
Kidman, A., Murrihy, R. C., Wheatley, A., Van Kessel, J., Wuthrich, V., Remond, L., Tuqiri, R., & Dadds (2007, July). A preliminary investigation of an indicated cognitive behavioural intervention for oppositional adolescents in an alternative education setting. Fifth World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies July 2007: Barcelona, Spain. Paper presented.
Self-help books for the community
The Kidman Centre UTS has produced a number of books designed for the general public.
All of our books are available at general bookstores, or you can order them directly by sending us a completed book order form (PDF, 118KB). All books except Moving Forward are $20 plus postage.
If you have any difficulty obtaining them, please contact us on (02) 9514 4077.

GOOD THINKING – A teenagers’ guide to managing stress and emotions using CBT
Sarah Edelman and Louise Remond
Teenage years can be a challenging time. There are lots of changes happening—physical, social and mental, and emotional ups and downs are common. Upsetting emotions can lead to self-defeating behaviours, such as avoidance irritability, withdrawal and brooding
GOOD THINKING is a practical guide to managing some of the challenges like these that arise during adolescence. It contains plenty of real-life examples, practical tools and exercises, spelling out step-by-step strategies. The book also provides skills to manage unhelpful emotions to make our lives much easier, now and into the future. These skills help us to get back on track more quickly when things go wrong.
Using the principals of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), the book is grounded in evidence-based techniques that have been shown to be effective for managing anxiety and depression, offering valuable skills for a happier and more confident life.

Staying Sane in the Fast Lane: Emotional Health in the 21st Century
Staying Sane in the Fast Lane explores strategies for maintaining emotional and behavioural control in an age of rapid technological change where there is pressure to work harder, pursue a career, raise families and sustain personal relationships. The reader will come away with hands-on strategies for understanding and addressing anxiety, depression and anger. Altogether, this book is a good starting point for those wanting a better understanding of emotional health problems and what to do.

Taking Charge! A Guide for Teenagers
Sarah Edelman and Louise Remond
Taking Charge! is a practical guide to managing some of the challenges that invariably arise during adolescence. It spells out step-by-step strategies that can make a big difference to the way that young people feel about themselves, the people that they deal with and the things that are happening in their life. Using the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Taking Charge is grounded in evidence-based techniques that have been shown to work.

Stress, Coping and Social Support in the Age of Anxiety
Stress, Coping and Social Support in the Age of Anxiety, written in concise, non-technical language, provides an explanation of the stressful life events that beset us at all times. It describes straightforward coping strategies and includes helpful statements and self-assessment forms.

Feeling Better: A Guide to Mood Management
Depression is one of the most common of all psychological problems. Feeling Better: A Guide to Mood Management is a no-nonsense guide for people who want to manage their negative moods more effectively. It outlines how to recognise thinking errors that lead to depressed thinking and behaviour, and how to challenge them.

Family Life: Adapting to Change
Family Life: Adapting to Change is a self-help manual designed to assist in dealing with emotions and transitions that occur through the cycle of life. It outlines how to resolve difficulties in family life using cognitive behavioural therapeutic techniques.

From Thought to Action: A Self-Help Manual
From Thought to Action: A Self-Help Manual is an instructional manual that people can refer to regularly to challenge their irrational thoughts, and consequently change their feelings and overcome self-defeating behaviour. It describes various techniques designed to help people gain control of their emotions and actions.

Schizophrenia: A Guide for Families
In clear everyday language Schizophrenia: A Guide for Families examines the mental illness of schizophrenia, and provides an easily understood summary of a complex and often misunderstood condition. Symptoms and treatments are discussed, and some myths surrounding the suggested causes of schizophrenia are debunked.
Books for health professionals

Moving Forward: Introduction to Psychosis
Wallace, Rachael C. Murrihy, Danielle M. Ellis and Antony D. Kidman
Moving Forward: Introduction to Psychosis is a reference manual for mental health professionals working with people experiencing psychosis.

Clinical Handbook of Assessing and Treating Conduct Problems in Youth
Edited by Rachael C. Murrihy, Antony D. Kidman & T H. Ollendick
Clinical Handbook of Assessing and Treating Conduct Problems in Youth serves as a one-stop reference for all professionals who seek a solid grounding in theory as well as those who need access to evidence-based assessment and therapies for conduct problems. It is a must-have volume for anyone working with at-risk children, including clinical child, school, and developmental psychologists; forensic psychologists; social workers; school counsellors and allied professionals; and medical and psychiatric practitioners.