Application info and costs
The cost of study is dependent upon a student’s choice of course, subjects and electives. Courses in which the outcomes are creative (such as Architecture and Design) will require students to cover the costs of the visualisation and prototyping of their projects from idea to realisation.
Most outcomes will be dependent upon the student’s own creative response, so material requirements and costs will vary.
Typical costs might include the cost of developing models and prototypes, laser cutting, rapid prototyping, textiles, garments and printing. The cost of project realisation will generally increase for Design students undertaking an honours year and the production of a major project.

Postgraduate students undertaking study in Design or Architecture may need to plan for costs, depending upon the focus of their projects.
Additional study costs can also include the purchase of books, computer equipment, a camera, local field trips and optional overseas study trips. This will depend upon the student’s course of study.
Some materials can be bought at a reduced price through the faculty workshop or through the UTS Student Union shop.
Please visit the Future Students pages to find out how to apply for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.