Graduate attributes

Thirteen years of your schooling life seems to be so easily summarised by one single number this being our ticket into the university system.
When we get to uni we still do assessment briefs, or take exams and go for good marks in grades but how do these numbers help us without development as individuals and our readiness for the real world at UTS they try to help us develop important graduate attributes to become well-rounded professionals whatever that may be. There seven graduate attributes specific to midwifery in the Faculty of Health. We get extra feedback about our development of these over our course. They help us to become great midwives that hospitals and health centres want to employ and importantly midwives that women and families love to work with.
We know this because consumers hospitals and health centres have worked with our faculty to develop them. Importantly, when applying for jobs you'll be asked to demonstrate how you achieve these attributes. An example of these attributes is woman scented care which equips graduates to provide and promote the best care for women within the practice of midwifery. Another attribute is professional competence which equips graduates with knowledge, skills and attitudes to ensure safe and effective midwifery practice. There is also one graduate attribute that is developed across all Faculty of Health
courses. This has a specific focus on helping us develop professional cultural
competency. This means that together we can contribute to the physical, social, emotional and spiritual health and well-being of Indigenous Australians.
These graduate attributes help us to become the professionals we want to be and make sure we have relevant and ready for our chosen future the moment we walk out the door.
Midwifery Graduate Attributes

Woman Centred Care
Practice woman centred care

Professional Competence
Are professionally competent midwives who provide safe and effective midwifery care using intelligent kindness

Work collaboratively in order to provide excellence in maternity care

Are resilient, emotionally competent midwives who foster human flourishing

Are socially responsible citizens who value the diversity of people

Professional Engagement
Are professionally engaged critical thinkers who take a lively and questioning approach and embrace life long learning

Indigenous Cultural Respect
Demonstrate professional cultural competency which contributes to the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians, inclusive of physical, social, emotional and spiritual wellness
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