Get all the information you need before you kick-start your dream career in health – as a sport and exercise professional!
Sport and Exercise FAQs

Check out some of our most frequently asked questions about the UTS Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science and the UTS Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management, asked by future university students just like you.
If you have a question about undergraduate study at UTS, get in touch.
The course
Who should study Sport and Exercise Science?
Hear from Dr Lee Wallace, Course Director, Sport and Exercise (Undergraduate) at the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation at UTS:

You'd be well suited to this course if you have a real passion for sports and exercise. You might want to know how the body works, or you might be interested in the business of sport and how that operates.
Why should I study sport and exercise at UTS?
- World-class facilities: You’ll study in the Rugby Australia Building in the UTS Moore Park Precinct, where you’ll be close to some of Australia’s elite sporting teams and learn in state-of-the-art spaces, such as our strength and conditioning laboratory and rooftop running track.
- Learn from the best: Our leading academics are internationally renowned researchers and are well-connected with the Australian sports industry.
- Hands-on practice: Complete an in-built practicum or internship (depending on your degree) with an organisation related to your professional aspirations (e.g. sporting clubs, school sport programs, fitness and health centres).
- Career pathways to: Accredited Sport Scientist, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Master of High Performance Sport, Master of Physiotherapy (including the UTS ‘guaranteed pathway’ option via the Exercise Therapy major).
Hear more from Dr Libby Pickering Rodriguez, Lecturer at the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation at UTS:

I think what sets us apart is firstly our facilities. We've got world-class facilities and we're in an elite sporting hub which is just a great environment to be in when you're studying sport and exercise.
Also our staff and our industry connections, and the approach that we take in our subjects where we are embedding applied experiences for our students with hands-on experiences in all of our subjects.
How long is the course?
Both courses are offered on a three-year, full-time basis.
What’s the difference between sport and exercise science and sport and exercise management?
- Sport and Exercise Science will allow you to provide expert knowledge in the health and fitness industry, injury prevention, rehabilitation, strength and conditioning and sport and event contexts.
- Sport and Exercise Management will give you the knowledge and management skills to build a career in managing sport and exercise programs, professional sporting teams and large sporting venues and facilities.
Will I get to complete a professional placement as part of my degree?
Yes - all Sport and Exercise students complete at least 140 hours of practical learning in final year on either a practicum or internship placement within a national sporting organisation, school, professional club or local sporting competition.
As a Sport and Exercise Science student you might partake in:
- Client assessments
- Exercise prescription
- Delivery of warm ups/cool downs
- Client exercise sessions
- Strength and conditioning (individual/team)
- Physiological assessment of athletes
- Exercise testing
- Fitness appraisals
- Performance testing
- Talent identification
- Health consultation
- Lifestyle management programs
- Workplace fitness program
As a Sport and Exercise Management student, internship projects can additionally include (but are not limited to):
- Sport and practice administration
- Newsletter, website & social media curating
- Competition management
- Event organisation and delivery
- Development and/or review of sport policies
- Data management
Where have UTS sport and exercise students completed professional placements in the past?
Some examples of past practicum experiences include:
- Clinical placements with Exercise Physiologists
- Sporting teams and organisations from grassroots to elite level
- Gyms
- School strength and conditioning departments
- Niche training facilities in strength and conditioning
- Police Reconditioning
- Fire and Rescue testing
- Australian Sailing Team
- Academy of Sport
- Sydney Football Club
- NSW Institute of Sport
- Swimming Australia
Find out more about the sport and exercise practicum or internship placement
What is the selection rank for entry?
Visit the course webpages for the lowest selection ranks for entry in our previous intake:
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Therapy major)
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of International Studies
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management Bachelor of International Studies
What if I don’t get the selection rank?
If you do not achieve the required selection rank to get into your preferred course, there are various options available to help you find your path to UTS.
UTS have a range of admission schemes. These include:
- Year 12 subject scheme – this scheme awards adjustment points to your selection rank, based on performance in selected high school subjects that are relevant to the course you have applied for. You can check which courses offer adjustment points via the Year 12 adjustment factor calculator.
- inPUTS – UTS’ Education Access Scheme for Year 12 and mature age applicants who’ve experienced long term disadvantage during study (illness, family problems, financial hardship). You can receive 10 adjustment points. This is done through UAC.
- Schools Recommendation Scheme – for Year 12 students who come from disadvantaged or low-socioeconomic status schools, or experience financial hardship. This is done through UAC.
- Elite athlete or performers – applicants whose studies were impacted by their high level sporting or performance commitment can receive 5 points. This is done through UAC.
- Jumbunna Unistart – direct entry for persons of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent.
You may also consider alternative admissions pathways. For example:
- You could apply for a course with a lower entry requirement. After one year of study, you can reapply to study your preferred course at UTS via UAC. The results from your undergraduate studies will be considered in your application and may give you a higher selection rank to make your application more competitive.
- You could gain entry to UTS by completing a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification or the Tertiary Preparation Certificate (TPC) through TAFE.
Do I need to study a science subject in school to study sport and exercise?
No - the assumed knowledge for all UTS sport and exercise degrees are Mathematics and any two units of English. There are no subject prerequisites.
What bridging courses are available if I want to brush up on my scientific knowledge?
UTS offers bridging courses in Maths, Physics and Chemistry. These are typically one week courses for students who are not confident that they have met the recommended studies for the course they’ve been offered.
Any student can complete a bridging course, but please note that no health degree requires the HSC subjects or bridging courses as a prerequisite.
I have already completed some related subjects at another university. Would this count towards the UTS degree?
Maybe - if you receive a UTS offer and you’ve previously undertaken equivalent studies at another institution, you may be eligible to apply for recognition of prior learning.
Start by researching any potential recognition through faculty websites and use the Recognition of Prior Learning tool. You’ll then need to fill out an application form, attach any supporting documents and lodge the form at a UTS Student Centre.
Please note that UTS does not determine recognition of prior learning until an offer of enrolment is made.
Does UTS offer early entry into sport and exercise courses?
Yes - eligible applicants can apply for early entry into all sport and exercise programs, excluding the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Therapy major). Find out more
Due to the high demand for our Exercise Science (Exercise Therapy major), this course is not part of the UTS Early Entry Program; however, this degree is still included in other UTS alternative entry schemes, such as inpUTS and the Schools Recommendation Scheme.
Can you switch from the exercise science major to the exercise therapy major if you don’t get the required ATAR?
This would require you to submit a new application via UAC the following year (not a transfer). Don't forget the Exercise Science major still allows you to complete prerequisite subjects required to apply for a postgraduate master's in physio in future.
Can I study both sport and exercise management and sport and exercise science?
Occasionally, students choose to complete both the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (SES) and the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management (SEM). To enable this, students are required to apply through UAC. Find out more completing both SES and SEM and receiving recognition for prior learning.
What advice would you give to future Sport and Exercise students?
Hear from Dr Lee Wallace, Course Director, Sport and Exercise (Undergraduate) at the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation about making the most of opportunities provided to you at UTS:

So if you come to study here at UTS, I'd really make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.
Now it may be in the classroom, different activities they might do. Really immerse yourself.
Conversely, it might be research opportunities that come your way. You might be asked to be a participant in something, whatever the opportunity is, I would take it, I would immerse myself in it.
Not only is it going to help you learn, given that real hands-on, practical experience but it's also going to help you make connections, and decide what you really want to do, help establish your career, and it'll help you down the line.
What are my career options after completing a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science?
Career options could include roles in sport and exercise science, corporate health and wellbeing, strength and conditioning, personal training, physiotherapy (pathway), exercise rehabilitation, sports coaching, outdoor education and facility management.
What are my career options after completing a Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management?
Career options could include roles in athlete management, corporate health and fitness, fitness consultant, health promotion, sport development manager, sport event manager, sport marketing, sport policy, sport scientist, sport venue manager and physiotherapy (pathway).
Where are UTS graduates working?
Graduates of UTS Sport and Exercise have a multitude of career paths available to them.
Hear more from Dr Libby Pickering Rodriguez, Lecturer at the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation at UTS:

Our graduates tend to go down one of two paths, one would be into the sports industry, and we have people working from club level right up to professional sports teams and institutes.
And then we've got more of a health and exercise career path that people might follow, and that would include things like allied health professionals, if people go on to study exercise physiology, they might go on to become an accredited exercise physiologist and they could work in exercise prescription and training.
What are the master's degree pathways?
There are a number of master's pathways available to students of Sport and Exercise at UTS, including Clinical Exercise Physiology, Physiotherapy, High Performance Sport or research fields.
Hear more from Dr Libby Pickering Rodriguez, Lecturer at the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation at UTS:

Some of our graduates take a pathway into the masters of physiotherapy, there's also a masters of High Performance Sport which is offered at UTS, or you could go into a masters of applied exercise physiology or some of our students go down the research pathway, where they might do an honours and then go onto a masters by research, or a Doctorate in Philosophy.
Is sport and exercise a good pathway into Physiotherapy?
Yes - both degrees can be a studied as a pathway to physiotherapy.
- Pathway: Choose the required electives in your second and third year of the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science or the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management, where you will gain the required knowledge to apply for a master’s degree in this area. Please note that eligibility to apply does not guarantee entry; you must have a competitive application.
- 'Guaranteed pathway': Alternatively, you can complete the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Therapy major) as a ‘guaranteed pathway’ to the UTS Master of Physiotherapy. Progression to the master's will be subject to you maintaining a credit average and completing a successful internal interview during your undergraduate degree. The interview assesses communication and interpersonal skills, plus commitment to physiotherapy as a career. Please note that 'guaranteed pathway' places are highly competitive.
What is the pathway into Clinical Exercise Physiology?
The Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Science or Exercise Therapy major) can lead to entry into the Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology at UTS. This is subject to you meeting the entry criteria as determined by UTS and Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA).
While students completing the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management are not eligible, you may consider completing both SES and SEM to become eligible for admission to postgraduate clinical exercise physiology programs in future.
Do you get an ESSA qualification in the Sport and Exercise Science Degree?
There are three pathways through ESSA to reach this accreditation with one being completing a 4-year undergraduate degree. You would not need to complete a postgraduate degree if you complete any of the following degrees at UTS which offer full accreditation with ESSA:
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Science major or Exercise Therapy)
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Science major) and Bachelor of International Studies
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Science major) and Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Event and brochures
Is there an upcoming info session I can attend?
Visit our information sessions webpage for details on upcoming undergraduate info sessions.
Is there a course brochure available?
Visit our course guides page to download a brochure.
Past info sessions
All virtual info session resources are available online. Please visit our discover sessions webpage for info session recordings and virtual tours.
Q&A session: Open Week 2020

Lee: [00:00:00] Hi I'm Lee Wallace I'm the course director of Sport and Exercise, and I've got some panellists here with me today. Although it's a short a panel – We've got Rob Bower; he is the deputy head of school for teaching and learning. You should be able to see him on your screen. Hi, Rob. Thanks for joining us today.
And unfortunately, Libby Pickering Rodriguez, who was also joining us today, is unwell today. So she couldn't make it, but she's a lecturer and the honours program coordinator within our school. So, unfortunate not to have Libby here with us today, but between myself and Rob, we should be able to answer any questions that you might have.
So it is a Q&A session, so we're hoping to answer any questions that you might have, and you'd be doing that by typing any questions into the Q&A box in your Zoom control panel. So you might see there at the bottom of the pages, the most likely place for it.
Lee: [00:00:53] So throughout the presentation and as the questions begin to flow, if you've got anything you want to ask, just type in that box and we'll try and best answer all of those questions by the end of today.
We've also got the Faculty of Health marketing team out there as well, helping to moderate some of these questions to help us get through the quantity of it, because there could be quite a few of you that out there that could be coming and going throughout the session.
As always, it's online event. So if there's any technical issues to resolve them, but for any reason, anything drops out- if you just log out and load back in, that tends to resolve most of the issues.
So we'll get into the core stuff today. And Rob's going to take us through what this looks like. Thanks, Rob.
Rob: [00:01:41] Thanks, Lee. Thanks for the introduction. So hopefully you've all watched the undergraduate sport and exercise video that's available on the open website as it goes through in great detail and may answer a lot of your questions. So consider looking at that at some point in time.
But in summary, we have two main degrees in the Sport and Exercise programs. They are the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science and the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management. Within the first degree, there are two entry points through UAC. One is the standard degree and you can see that in the black text at the top of the screen. And I'll talk through that one first. So the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Degree is a three year full time course. Sometimes students spread out their study over a longer period of time, which is fine. Within that degree, there is an accredited exercise science major. And when we say accredited, we're referring to accreditation with the body known as Exercise and Sports Science Australia, or ESSA. And that essentially enables students to prescribe exercise to apparently healthy people. That particular degree also can pathway so that you can become an accredited sports scientist, exercise physiologist or into the Master of High Performance Sport or Master Physiotherapy, both at UTS.
Sometimes students are interested in the accredited pathway but would like to have an overseas experience and you can therefore choose the specific major for that which enables global exchange options. And Global Exchange is one semester of study overseas. That particular major still will pathway into the Master of High Performance Sport, but you can't get the accreditation with ESSA and it's certainly much more difficult to get into the Master of Physiotherapy through that pathway.
Rob: [00:03:54] Now, students who complete the mainstream degree in the black text, can apply for various masters, including the Master of Physiotherapy, and it's quite a competitive process when you get to that stage. If you have a look at the second part of the text there in red, you'll see it's the same degree, but it is defined as being the Exercise Therapy major. So this has to be chosen up front at the point of entry with UAC, in fact, it has its own code. It is a separate degree. It's not a major you can choose from the main degree. It has to be chosen up front. And you can see the selection of 96 is much higher than the previous selection rank of around 80.
Rob: [00:04:48] Now this particular degree gives you a guaranteed entry into the Master Physiotherapy, provided that you maintain a credit average and also are successful in an internal interview. It will still be accredited with ESSA and you can still pathway into other areas as listed on the screen.
Rob: [00:05:14] The other degree in blue, the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management is a non accredited degree, but it still pathways into High-Performance Sport Masters and with the correct electives, the master of physiotherapy. So if you don't get into one of the first two degrees, but you have an interest in high performance sport or physiotherapy, you can still work through that process from exercise management. And of course, it requires certain electives to be undertaken in order to progress to that next level.
Rob: [00:05:53] So what's the difference between the two degrees? Well, the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Degree has an applied focus with a science based content. It's about managing and planning, sport and exercise activities in health, rehabilitation, sport and event contexts. And essentially through the ESSA accreditation process, it's about assessing, prescribing and delivering exercise to apparently healthy people. The Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management has a blend of sport and business subjects, so you will do about half your subjects in the faculty of health and exercise science and exercise management, and you'll do half your subjects in the faculty of business, which have more of the business management perspective. So several of the subjects are in common with the better sport and exercise science, which is why some students elect to complete both degrees and get credits accordingly. The Sport and Exercise Management degree is about managing the experience of clients and athletes, so it gives you both a business management perspective as well as introductory knowledge to exercise science so that you understand the client's.
Rob: [00:07:11] A question that we commonly get asked is whether you need a science background to study sport and exercise? Well, certainly any science knowledge will help, but we don't assume any science knowledge other than the basics when you come into the course. So we will teach the science in the degree. You'll learn a lot about the human body, the anatomy, the physiology, the biomechanics, how people acquire skills, and also the psychology of how we function in exercise. So that's a very interesting degree. It's very exciting. And you'll learn a lot of new things in that science domain. What is assumed is obviously English, because English has to be candid in all atar applications as well as some basic maths. So any two units of maths will be assumed knowledge. But it's fair to say that if students haven't done year 11 or 12 maths, but you've coped with the earlier maths up to year 10, then you'll be fine with a bit of extra help and work. And we can provide that for you as well.
Rob: [00:08:20] Career options after completing the degree well for the Sport and Exercise Science degree, the career options are around that exercise assessment prescription delivery. Including areas such as corporate health and well-being, strength and conditioning, personal training, physiotherapy as a pathway, exercise, rehabilitation, coaching, outdoor education and facility management. For the sport and exercise management degree. It's more around managing and administrating those types of activities, including athlete management, health promotion, sport development manager, managing events or venues and also, as we said before, you can still pathway into visitor through that degree.
Rob: [00:09:11] What can I expect from the professional placement in third year? So for the exercise science degree, the final year requires you to work with real clients, sometimes through telehealth, particularly this year, but otherwise you will get experience working with real clients and you will learn how to assess, prescribe and deliver exercise for at least 80 hours. And then there will be another 60 hours of other associated activities that you can do in a placement of your choice. If you're doing sport and exercise management, there's more flexibility with your intention. So because it doesn't have the accreditation attached, you can do anything that relates to the sport, exercise management industry, and that involves one hundred and forty hours in that space. And we find that our students who immerse themselves in placements and internships, well, many of them do pick up jobs out of that and that's perfect coming out of your final year.
Rob: [00:10:23] Lee, are you going to talk about this one? Just turn your mic on Lee.
Lee: [00:10:35] (Thanks for that... University of Technology, so, um, so thanks). There's a lot of detail in this that we'd expect, we suspect a few questions to come through. Anything you like to ask myself, a Robert this time jotted down in that Q&A box at the bottom.
There's already been some questions answered or this question is this session being recorded and shared?
Rob: [00:11:03] We're definitely recording it and I'm sure it'll be available at a future stage, the communications will be on that original site to do with this open day week.
Lee: [00:11:17] Thank you, Rob. OK.
Lee: [00:11:20] Now the question we've got here, what do I have to do to get into physio after finishing?
Rob: [00:11:25] Want me to take this one Lee? OK, so students in their final year, if you're doing the exercise therapy, major, the one that gives you the guaranteed pathway, you'll actually do your interviews in the middle of your second year of the course. And this process has just happened. And over 90 percent of the students in that course were offered positions based on the interview and of course, subject to them maintaining a credit average, beyond that. For any student interested in physiotherapy, achieving a credit average should be a fairly comfortable thing to do. It's not something to worry about. You certainly have to do the work. But achieving that shouldn't be a problem. And we find that most of our strongest students in this space approach that distinction average or higher. For the students in the mainstream degree where it is more competitive at the end. You will do your interviews in the final year, your third year- in the middle of your third year. In fact, that happening now for current students. And they would also give you an indication once they're all completed as to whether you've been successful or not in terms of your performance or your results, because it is a more competitive process, you really should be aiming for a high credit average or even a distinction average to increase your chances, but more importantly, to have a good understanding of the physiotherapy field and industry. And so that you're answering those types of questions in the interview appropriately. And that just means expanding your knowledge into the physio area and having an awareness beyond the sport and exercise science degree. The students that have gone through to today, within UTS have been highly regarded in terms of their preparation, having an understanding of the human anatomy and so forth, but the two year master's course will certainly add to that experience and in much more detail. So your depth of knowledge of the human body will improve enormously. So it is very exciting. But there's also opportunities in our own industry where you can prescribe and deliver exercise to apparently healthy people.
Lee: [00:13:47] All right, thanks, Rob.
Lee: [00:13:50] Another question here on placements, so someone's asked do students get their placement positions. Is it up to the students or do we find them for you? So to answer that question. The answer is both there's two separate occasions where there's placements in the final year of studies. And within that, to get part of accreditation requirements. And as part of that, we place you for one of those placements and the other placement you find yourself. And so the answer is it's both. And within that, two placements, during the degree.
Rob: [00:14:28] So there's a question about what electives students have to do in order to get into physiotherapy if they're doing the exercise management degree. So there are three electives you need to choose out of the four available. The first one is physiological basis of emotion and this is on our website. That's a science based subject. The second one is neuroscience, which is also taught by science. And the third one, it's good to have some sort of learning skill acquisition input as well in order to to cover that side of things.
Rob: [00:15:08] There's a question about nutrition and nutritional studies. So in terms of nutrition, we do have nutrition course within the degree it's in second year nutrition, health and physical activity. So that will cover appropriate nutritional content for the sport and exercise area. But it's not a dietetics type subject in the sense of high level chemistry. It's more of an applied nutritional subject.
Rob: [00:15:42] There's the next question, Lee, I'm not sure if you've seen this, but it's about the requirements for mature age students in terms of doing a double degree in business and IT. And so essentially the question is, if you've done a previous study and then had a break and you've done some other things in the meantime, then how does that work?
So we refer to mature age students as non recent school leavers. So anyone who is a non recent school that has done additional study, that study gets converted into a equivalent atar, if you like, and you can certainly apply for the degree and successfully enter it if your results are good, the university and UAC mainly will work out an equivalent item based on what you've done through algorithms that nobody understands except for them. And then people have previously got in that way as well.
Lee: [00:16:48] Alright, I'll take a question down here. Do sport and exercise management students cover the corporate side of sport, a marketing business, sports sponsorship?
The answer is yes. There are some similarities. A lot of similarities between our sport and our science degree and our sport and exercise management degree. But exactly what those variables, if you pick the era, are essentially the differences within the sport exercise management degree that management subjects, other business related subjects, marketing subjects covering all things like the business of sport and sponsorship. They also do things like a little bit of law and accounting and just various things that you would need to get a job in those positions and better equipped people for jobs in those positions compared to the sports science.
Rob: [00:17:42] And there's a question about the chances of getting into physio from the mainstream degree.
It is certainly more competitive. It's not 90 percent, I can assure you. So out of the students to do the exercise science degree, we do have a large number of them interested in physiotherapy. Roughly speaking, 50 percent of those are serious about it and apply for it correctly and and appropriately and have done enough preparation in order to give themselves a good chance. But there's also students coming from non UTS backgrounds that are applying for those those positions. So if, for example, if there were one hundred students interested and there were 30 or 60 spots or let's say two hundred people interested for 30 or 60 spots, you can do the math. And I say 30 or 60 spots because the exercise therapy degree will be part of the places that are available, they'll take some of those places upfront so that obviously means less places available for the mainstream students.
Rob: [00:18:57] If you don't make the cut off atar for sport and exercise science, are there any pathways? If you're coming out of school, for example, get into some degree, pick any degree that you can get into. Just make sure you start something. If you have one year of successful study in another degree, you will be considered a non recent school leaver, And with the results from that degree, you will then get, like I said before, an equivalent atar and have a good chance of coming in. We have a lot of students who do that on a regular, regular basis. OK, what is the workload duration like for attending the course part time? Do you want to have a go at that one Lee or do you want me to answer?
Lee: [00:19:46] You can answer, if you like, it's a question about part time, isn't it?
Rob: [00:19:52] Yes. So if you're part time most courses at UTS will have four subjects a semester full time. So part time could be half that. Two subjects the semester if you're lucky both those subjects will run on the same day in terms of Face-To-Face learning and we will likely run all lectures online moving forward. So it means that you will have one intense day of learning, which could be four hours of face to face. And for every face to face they are learning, you can assume an additional two hours of non face to face work that you have to do in your own time. That's just a rough estimate. So working full time and studying part time, that's challenging. If you studying part time and working part time, that's fine. Different students handle things differently.
Rob: [00:20:49] If I've done one year of a science degree in biology, do I apply through UAC?
Yes. And how do I get any credits for subjects? So anyone who has done previous studies still has to apply through UAC. And as I said, they will get the equivalent of the equivalent answer or get the equivalent atar in terms of getting credits for subjects, for electives, No problem. If it's with the accredited degree, it's harder to get credits because we have to meet the requirements of ESSA. So if it's a generic physiology, human physiology subject, for example, then you will likely get credit. But if it's more of an applied exercise, face type subject, exercise physiology, it's hard to take your credit because we have to meet the requirements in the context of human performance. But in that case, you could use those subjects as credits for electives because electives are not linked to accreditation.
Rob: [00:21:52] In terms of full time students and evening classes, there's no evening classes. Well, OK, sometimes because the time table expands throughout the day. There are classes in the evening, but we can't guarantee the evening classes, most of the students they won't come in the evening. So if there are evening classes, you'll probably find there's going to be a space for you there. And you can certainly attend, but we can't offer. Whilst we will teach some subjects we what we call blended learning, where lectures will be online, classes be faced by some some weeks might be online as well. We don't have that parallel option of running. Either all you have to do what we offer, and if this Face-To-Face class, you need to better turn up to those, even though they might be some online learning amongst that.
Lee: [00:22:52] Alright I'll take a question here from Tegan, who's asked, what are the class styles like?
For example, are there more lectures or tutorials? For the most part of the degree is a one hour lecture and two hour tutorial for the most famous examples where that might be the same and flipped. But I'd say 80 per cent of the classes run in that type of format. A majority of those elections are online. So where I guess I'm speaking generally here because a lot of the classes are different. But you'd be looking at, for the most part, a one hour lecture online, two hour tutorial, which is face to face. And then there's all kind of blended options between them with each class having its own unique flavour. Some classes also do a block like format or work seminars and stuff where things are together. So I am speaking generally there, but I think you'd probably find that a good 70-80 percent do run in that fashion.
Rob: [00:23:56] Lee there is a question about bonus points, and I'm just trying to get a file up, maybe you can look up there for a question and I'll answer the other in a sec, but if I can find the file, it will probably help because I can show the people. So maybe answer something else in the meantime.
Lee: [00:24:12] Alright. From Nikki, how many days are sport and exercise students generally spending on campus?
It's again, speaking generally because the nature of the timetable is no guarantees. I would say the average would probably be four times on campus. Very rarely would go to five. And sometimes you can go to three. But again, with because timetabling can be limited places and limited classes, sometimes it's a little bit of luck to if you get your classes on three days or if it expands to four. And as I said, very rarely would it go to five. So that's the that's that question. While Rob still working on that a lot and you might be able to see it on the screen now.
Rob: [00:25:02] This is a this is a document that was produced some time ago. So put it in simple terms. We award bonus points for the subjects that are relevant to the degree and that students do well in, and it will depend on what bands you get. So some of these may have been updated since, but that's roughly three or five points. And you can only get a maximum of five adjustment points or adjustment factors that are called bonus points. So just get rid of that hitting. There we go. And that will add on to your ATAR.
Lee: [00:25:47] Also on our next question from Jessica, are all the classes at Moore Park, most of the classes are at Moore Park?
Yes. And where possible we will keep them at Moore Park. There are examples where there is not the case. For example, some of those business subjects, if you were doing this sport and exercise management might be in the city and a select few of the sport excess science subjects are at the city. But for the most part, the majority classes are here on the Moorpark campus. So you get the beautiful surroundings. And that's a really it's one of the main, I guess, benefits of being in this program is this is the state of the art facility. And if you come out and have a look at it, you'll see what I mean. And you're all encouraged to do so.
Rob: [00:26:32] Absolutely Lee the staff and students here are very excited and thrilled to be at this location in the centre of Sydney, the centre of the sporting precinct around, look, we've got Allianz stadium under construction next to us, but that's an amazing sight to see in. And so we've got views of the city. We can see the we share a building with rugby Australia. We've had the Sydney Sixers share one of our levels with us and use some of our training facilities. So the cross over into the industry is second to none. And brand new facilities designed by well requested by academic staff and designed by people with those skills.
So in terms of a question from Jessica, some of some of the internships that students have done before, so did they ever go on to work in the organization?
Absolutely they do. There's a good percentage who get jobs out of it in in the sport exercise management area. It could be anything in the sport exercise management industry because there's no accreditation requirements linked with sport and exercise science. The initial requirement is that we have to provide supervised training opportunities for students on a one to five ratio. And so we'll have an accredited supervisor who will watch up to five students at a time when those students are working with clients where they are prescribing exercise. So we run some of those activities as telehealth. We run some of them at local retirement villages, potentially in schools. But the second half of the practicum for the exercise science students and the accreditation part, you can choose wherever you want to go, so long as it's related and linked to the requirements of exercise science. You get some choice in that in that matter.
Rob: [00:28:39] How many places are available in each course?
So we took just over four hundred students in this year and roughly speaking, about two hundred and fifty were sport, exercise science students. And one hundred and ten or so was sport and exercise management students and they were 40 or so sport and exercise therapy, major students, the one with the different kind and the guaranteed pathway.
Rob: [00:29:15] A question from Owen about the pathway, the physiotherapy pathway in furthering studying provision in that.
So after doing exercise science, how does it transition into physio or exercise physio? Is it a new enrollment? Yes, it's it's a separate application process. And you need to be a process. And it's also subject to your average mark that you get. So you've got to maintain at least a credit average.
Rob: [00:29:46] How many of you graduates in exercise and sports science and related full time employment once they graduate?
The data from last year was pretty high and it's one of those funny things that we have to ask for when it's good. Then tell us what it is when it's bad. They didn't tell us because it was was pretty good last year, but. The survey is usually done around March or April from memory, and we generally have 60 to 70 percent of people are in full time employment at that point. Many others are going on to further study or have chosen to have some sort of part time experience in the meantime.
Lee: [00:30:37] Question here, I've heard you can become a fitness instructor while studying the course. How do I do this?
Well, built into the degree there is an opportunity to complete your cert three and so forth to become a fitness instructor. So it's a part of the degree. It's in the relationship with certified bodies, which means you collect it along the way, which is a very handy thing to have. So you don't have to go out and redo it somewhere else after or anything like that. It forms part of that degree and do it along the way.
Rob: [00:31:11] With COVID and ATARS. It's a great question – I've got the same question, it's very hard to predict ATARS. It's possible that there's a backlog of people and more people want to do it next year. It's possible that people choose various industries because they make decisions about opportunities and so forth. We're not expecting too much of a change. We would think it would be a similar demand to what it currently is. And it is a very popular degree, hence the reason why we have so many students, and the higher ATARS, and the reason why the university has resourced our facilities and the opportunities for students so well.
Rob: [00:31:57] Is there a crossover between the two degrees? Sorry if I missed that earlier.
Yes, 50 percent approximately in common.
Lee: [00:32:09] And that can and that can fluctuate slightly as well, depending on what electives you pick, if you picked electives from the other degree, if you did have an interest in some of the things that were going on, on the other side, you could close that gap up a little bit there. Also.
Rob: [00:32:24] The next question asks about whether the sport and exercise science degree, which students the membership of the exercise physiology qualifications, do I need to complete any other requirements
So Liam, I'm going to assume you're referring to AEP that is an accredited exercise physiologist. So that is a separate qualification. So our qualification gives you a yes accredited exercise science, which means you can work with apparently healthy people, but it can pathway into master's courses as and AEP to give you that extra accreditation, which means that you can work outside of the apparently healthy area for people who are maybe recovering from health and wellbeing issues.
Lee: [00:33:17] The question here, can sports science students also study in the summer semester?
I'll answer this because I'm one of the few teachers that teaches in the summer semester. The answer is there is just a few subjects in the summer semester. So the majority degree that is not the case there is very small, but some opportunities to catch up or get ahead in some way by doing subjects in a summer semester. As I mentioned, my subject that I teach on is one of those. So while everyone else is out enjoying the sun, I'm here teaching structural anatomy during that summer as necessary. If you do pick some of those options and I will be there. But for the most part, the majority of the teaching is not in that summer semester. It takes place in the autumn and spring semester.
Rob: [00:34:04] Thanks Lee, Jane asked a question about additional costs, for cert three and cert four.
We actually link in with TAFE and we use one of one of the northern beaches TAFE and they're actually graduates of that program who work in that industry. And they come along each time and they align what students have learned in subjects with the cert three cert four content, and they don't repeat the things that they've already learned. So it's like an informal recognition of prior learning for our students. So when we run it in second year, the cost of the three and the four is reduced accordingly. So, yes, there is a cost. It doesn't come to UTS. It's a partnership between us and northern beaches TAFE. And when you apply for it at the time, we'll give you the information. You can advise them what subjects you've done. And assuming you're following the normal standard and past things, it will reduce the cost substantially from some of the private providers.
Rob: [00:35:13] Campus life. OK, so there's a question about what is campus life like, are there any clubs and sports at Moore Park?
We've got a terrific group of students and students are quite proactive in maintaining this type of thing. Obviously the first semester or we call it session now, the first half of the first session, which was different for obvious reasons in terms of campus, like we have a group called Activate UTS. So they're based in the city and a lot of the clubs run off Activate UTS and one of them is in the sport and exercise area. And students from our course can sign up for that can be part of Facebook Communications can be part of activities. A lot of study groups. There's lots of sports that you can be involved with as well through activate UTS. And if got friends are also interested, you could be to join that as well. So you can engage as much or as little as you want with those sorts of activities that you and the students can enjoy that and have a great time.
Lee: [00:36:25] I was going to say the question Liam has asked here, about the Exercise Therapy Major and other sports science students being in some of the common subjects, and can use the gym be used for personal use?
To answer the common subjects question, it's more than common subjects and common classes. For the most part, they're essentially the exact same degrees is just what happens at the end may be slightly different. So the answer is yes, the same. And not just subjects, but classes. So you likely might need to know who is in which one of those two degrees if you were sitting in class with someone.
Rob: [00:37:02] And about the personal use, we do have some rules around personal use and let's assume that we're not in a public health crisis. The students in our course, once they have learnt a subject in first year called strength and conditioning, it's a second session. So spring session subjects and they've got to a certain point they're allowed to use the facilities for their own learning purposes. It's not for personal recreational use. They certainly have facilities that enable that in the city campus. But at the Moore park precinct, it's about practicing. So what this really means is that you and someone else, one of your peers in your class, can go to the gym together and you can practice your strength and conditioning and support each other and give feedback to each other if that gives you a personal benefit as well. Well, good luck to you. But essentially, it's related to that sort of learning experience.
Rob: [00:38:03] Now Tegan has asked a question about the BCII, which is the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence Innovation?
So that's an additional year that you can add on to the exercise science degree. It's not part of exercise management. So you end up with a double degree over four years. And there are some subjects during the media session in addition to that final year. So that's the name. As the name suggests, it's about creative intelligence and innovation. So it gives you that extra additional high level of thinking and problem solving in the community. And in general, it's not targeted in exercise science. It's a generic addition that you can add on to many degrees. At UTS, we find a lot of students sign up for it. Many finish, some drop back to the mainstream degree after one or two subjects. So you've got that option if it's not working for you. Others go through it and we find those who finish it. Actually, it gives them a higher outputs in terms of employment. Potential at the game just appear to get more jobs than those who haven't done it, just by a percentage.
Lee: [00:39:26] The question here is if I want to study both the science and the management, is there one that I would recommend you pick first?
The answer is theoretically could do them both in order to argue that the science is more competitive degree. If you got to get into the science, I would take it and then do management, pick up the management after saying that. But both both ways. If you had personal reasons why you might want to do it in a different way, then that would be fine also.
Rob: [00:40:02] I'm just going to open up a Web page about the elective some, Lee because it's probably better to show students.
Rob: [00:40:16] This page that hopefully is in your view now, is in fact, you probably recognize the person in the photo because it is part of our team and photo of the class. So within this, we've got information for current students and if we have a look at the electives. And I'll just try and make that larger for you. So there is some examples of electives for of the majors. So with the exercise science, major there is only two electives, we find most students do sport and exercise, medicine is one of them and neuroscience is the because of the link to physiotherapy for the exercise therapy major. We don't have any electives. Everything's core because we need to get you as well-prepared as possible for that physio pathway. And if you're interested in the no major it's similar, we'll skip that. If you're interested in the sport exercise management degree, then you can choose any of the four subjects from sport and exercise science or a variety of other subjects that the business faculty offer or other subjects around UTS. So I'm just going to let that sit there for a moment while we go on to the next question.
Lee: [00:41:41] But I'm just going to answer this one from Olivia, with the news studies and training methodology constantly changing, does most of the knowledge pertain once the degree is completed?
I'm thinking, does a routine in life or does it retain in your own mind? It could be read two different ways that question. So we'd be saying the training methodology is constantly changing training. Those are frequently changing. It's like any subjects or in this case, degree. Things are always changing. Some new things, some old things. The answer is a lot of knowledge is retained and it's shaped would be the best way I would say it. So things it's very rare that something completely new out of the blue is just invented more. So it's shaping things that we already know to help better direct things in the future. And then as technologies invented or created, we shape our knowledge to use that technology to go forth and come up with something new. But that's when I first read this question. I'll read it, as is the knowledge for time once a degree is completed and our thinking depends on the student. So I'm sure it's gone straight away and other students were kind of life. So I read that question in two ways.
Rob: [00:43:02] It's true. And one of one of the components of it is this notion of lifelong learning in that we prepare you for the latest and greatest things right now. But we also prepare you so that you have an attitude of lifelong learning. And certainly once you enter the industry, there would be a hope and an expectation that you continue to learn and engage in your information.
Rob: [00:43:27] What is better what is the better pathway to physiotherapy degree out of the bachelor's management in health science?
I'll answer that with respect to. Or four degrees, introduce the health science degree as well, which is not part of our team, but as part of our faculty. So if you can get into the exercise therapy major, that is the best pathway because you're guaranteed entry provided you maintain interest in physiotherapy and show that through that internal interview as well as a credit average. Next in line is the veteran sport and exercise science degree, because it has the most subjects in common with physiotherapy and designing one elective, you have to choose in order to meet the requirements. And that's neuroscience. After that sport exercise management, the game has more of the exercise science subjects related to physiotherapy, but you do have to do at least two electives, the physiological basis and the neuroscience subject to make the requirements. And in our opinion, the health science people might say something else. That would be the fourth choice, the health science students who want to do the physio pathway, they come and do five or six of our subjects as part of their stream. So they'll actually come in and share classes with the science students and exercise management students to make those requirements for them as well.
Rob: [00:45:01] How does ESSA work if we are students?
The ESSA accreditation we have two degrees, the exercise science major in the standard Bachelor for Exercise Science Degree and the exercise therapy major in the guaranteed physio pathway degree both accredited with exercise and Sports Science Australia. So once you complete those degrees, you then qualify for accreditation. So then there is an application process through ESSA. So you tell them what degree you've done. They know how to grade because they don't want to accredited it and it is listed on their website. And you mentioned that you're seeking accreditation as an exercise scientist and that will fulfill those requirements.
Lee: [00:45:58] Take a question from one of the facilities technology at Moore park compared to other universities in Sydney.
I might be biased, but I think it's absolutely the best. It's one of the few, if any, purpose built structures for sport and exercise in Australia. So it's extremely new, extremely modern state of the art, everything and its position within the Moore park site has it with the strong surrounding clubs in sport and exercise community around it as well. I think that's probably that. And the staff are probably two of the major strengths of the program, the facilities, the technology here on campus, coupled with the teaching staff and their connections and network. I would say the two of the big, big strengths for doing this degree as opposed to any other degrees in Sydney or Australia, for that matter.
Rob: [00:46:54] There's a question about relationships with other exchange programs and other institutions domestically or internationally?
Well, certainly internationally, there are students have traveled to all parts of the world, Europe, America and elsewhere. I'm not going to begin to remember some of the institutions, but the Global Exchange students will meet with students when when the time comes and will assess what their desires and needs are in their exchange and what they're trying to get out of it. And I'll make recommendations as to the appropriate institutions that they can go to. That information is somewhere available. It's not something I'm going to be able to find right now.
Rob: [00:47:40] OK, do students many students combine sports science with international studies? Do you study sports science subjects in the overseas year?
OK, so there is also a double degree with international studies and it means that you learn another language and the degree becomes five years instead of three. So you will study some international study subjects throughout your degree and there will be a it's a blended approach and then you will have your fourth year of study. You will have a four year privacy's of international study, which gives you an opportunity to study in that other language, learn about another culture and experience that country, which is terrific. And you have quite a bit of flexibility over which subjects you would be typing in that international study. So you could certainly select many sports science subjects overseas.
Rob: [00:48:46] I'll answer this last one Lee. Do I have to enroll through UAC if I'm already a student?
Is there another way to enrol if I'm already involved with any current students? Have to still go through UAC because you become a well known recent school through UAC. So your results from your current degree will get reimagines in terms of an equivalent. If you've successfully completed the course at UTS, you've got an excellent chance of getting in, but you have to do it through you. Yes, that's just a requirement..
Lee: [00:49:26] We've just got time for just one or two more questions all. I'll answer this one, when it comes to February, how are we introduced into the course for the first time?
We have an orientation session where students orientated with both the facility and lecturing staff. So you'll meet us again in person and the rest of the staff that you come to know over the next three years. And then you'll get into your first unit where you'll be enrolled full time. First four units where you'll get individual subject introductions from those subject coordinators, where you'll go through some online stuff to start with and then come in for your first tutorials. In the first week of class.
Rob: [00:50:29] As an example, like we went through that orientation process, but obviously this year was a little bit different with the heating. And we went from where we had the orientation that we went from a week of classes to to a week of rewriting things for online learning. And the first year students missed out a little bit on that interaction. But through Activate UTS and through the various clubs, some of the students stood up and said, we're going to fix this. They've been communicating with us over the last few weeks and they've set up some terrific communications with the other university students to enable that, I guess, community experience and also to help with that orientation into UTS. So I think that's the questions now.
Lee: [00:51:19] Yeah, I think we're done for today, so we'll wrap it up for today. But just as you just noticed, there's still one on one live chat with current students. So if there's live chat to go to 8pm. So if you want to talk to some students live that is available for you now until 8pm. And if unless there's anything more, if you've got anything to add now, I think that's it.
Rob: [00:51:47] Look, thank you for your time. Appreciate you coming in. And we'd love to do this in person. See, some be able to smile and interact and so on. But we're grateful that you are prepared to come online and listen to us. We hope that's being helpful. And we certainly welcome your applications if you're still interested. And maybe we'll meet some of you in person next year. So all the best and good luck and thank you.
Lee: [00:52:17] So thanks for joining us today. See ya later
Rob: [00:52:20] Bye.