Meet Professor Emily Callander, Head of Discipline for Health Services Management in the School of Public Health.
Director's message

Welcome to the Discipline of Health Services Management (HSM) at UTS.
Our academics play a leading role in the health and social service system within Australia, through research, education and leadership contributions to health services management. As multidisciplinary experts, we are brought together through shared principles of equity and social justice, and a commitment to driving the delivery of high-value, person-centred services that meet community need.
Specialist skills
Our vibrant HSM discipline consists of internationally leading academics, higher-degree research students, and postgraduate scholars. We have a wide toolkit of specialist skills including health economics, organisational behavioural, workforce, clinical practice, and health information management. We have experience in a broad range of health and social service areas, including acute and primary care, aged care, disability services, pharmacy, and ambulance, as well as clinical areas of maternal and women’s health, cancer and diabetes.
Our team has deep connections to industry and community, and a commitment to co-design and deliver research to solve end user-identified challenges. Our academics all hold Adjunct positions with health and social services; our PhD students have the opportunity to undertake industry placements or industry embedded PhD programs; and our education programs have been co-designed with industry executives and with input from service providers and end users.
Helping health and social care leaders meet new challenges
Health and social services face an ever-evolving set of challenges to the delivery of high-quality, safe and patient-centred care that meets the needs of communities and is financially sustainable. The research, education and partnership services offered by the HSM team seek to provide health and social care managers and leaders with the capabilities to meet these challenges now and into the future.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the Discipline of Health Services Management at UTS. I invite you to explore our website and encourage you to contact us for more information about our research, education, and partnership programs.
Professor Emily Callander
Head of Discipline - Health Services Management