Meet the Health Services Management team
Our members

Professor Emily Callander
Professor of Health Services Management and Head of Discipline
Professor Emily Callander is an internationally recognised expert in health services research, and health economics. She has led research in the areas of health service funding, value-based health care, implementation and translation, and economic evaluation. Her work has been used to guide health service redesign and improvement across Australia, and informed state and Federal policy reform. Professor Callander has held continuous National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funding, and she is a member of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee Economics Subcommittee. She specialises in maternal and women’s health care and is Vice President of the Board of Women’s Healthcare Australasia, and holds an Adjunct position with The Royal Women’s Hospital, Victoria.

Janelle Craig
Senior Lecturer
Janelle is a Health Information Manager with extensive experience in education, executive management and information management roles in public and private healthcare sectors, both in Australia and overseas. Her background in education supports creative and interactive design of teaching and learning activities that ensure health information management professionals are integral members of the digital health workforce. Janelle’s research interests include data quality and governance, intelligence based healthcare, electronic health records, and information systems in acute, community and aged care settings.

Associate Professor Deborah Debono
Associate Professor of Health Services Management
Deborah has nursing and midwifery experience in metropolitan, rural and remote acute health care settings. Deborah’s research engages with health and social care staff and consumers to support translation of evidence into practice to improve outcomes and experiences of consumers and staff. She is an internationally recognised expert on the use of workarounds healthcare. Deborah develops, coordinates and teaches blended and online postgraduate and undergraduate subjects at UTS. She co-chairs the Justice Health and Mental and Forensic Health Network Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC); is Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member, Health Information Management Journal (HIMJ); and holds Adjunct positions with Australian Institute of Health Innovation (Macquarie University), St Vincent's Clinical School, UNSW Medicine, UNSW, and Uniting; and is an external expert panel member on the Care and Clinical Care Governance Committee, Anglicare and the NSW Ambulance Credentialing and Education Governance Committee.

Dr Suyin Hor
Senior Lecturer, Health Services Management
Dr Suyin Hor is a social scientist working with clinicians, patients and managers to make healthcare services safer. With a research background in psychology, education, and sociology, she specialises in research methods that engage with the complexity of healthcare at the frontline. She is an internationally-recognised expert in video-reflexive ethnography. Her video-reflexive work has led to broadened understandings of safety, communication, and IPC; facilitated increased engagement in IPC by healthcare professionals and consumers; and culminated in numerous practice and policy changes in clinical practice, as well as reductions in MRSA prevalence. She holds an Adjunct position with Uniting Australia and Sydney University Faculty of Medicine and Health.

Dr Shannon Lin
Lecturer, Diabetes Education and Management
Shannon has more than 15 years of experience in diabetes education and management. Before joining UTS, Shannon worked in as a diabetes educator and dietitian at the University of Wollongong, Sydney Primary Health Network, Diabetes NSW and ACT, GP practices and aged care facilities. She also worked a senior dietitian (Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian, AdvAPD) and diabetes educator (Credentialed Diabetes Educator, CDE) at various diabetes clinics including Indigenous outreach clinics in Coonamable/Dubbo, Bathurst and Illawarra, while working at Sydney Endocrinology. Meanwhile, Shannon consults aged care facilities for nearly 20 years.

Dr Sarah Wise
Senior Lecturer, Health Services Management
Dr Wise has over 20 years of applied research and evaluation experience in health, aged care and community services in Australia and the United Kingdom. Her research focuses on the health and aged care workforce, interprofessional teamwork and the barriers and enablers to funding reform. An applied social researcher with both quantitative and qualitative methodological expertise, Sarah is skilled in theory-based mixed methods design and analysis. Dr Wise is Adjunct Senior Lecturer at St Vincent’s Clinical School, UNSW Sydney Medicine & Health.

Chris Rossiter
Research Assistant
Chris has wide-ranging experience in qualitative and quantitative research and has conducted many studies of health professionals and consumers, with a particular focus on studies of families with infants and young children, and families experiencing complex psychosocial needs.
Yanan Hu
Research Officer
Yanan is an economist and Certified Financial Analyst. She has expertise in microsimulation modelling, machine learning, cost-effectiveness analysis and costing analysis with administrative data. She is part-way through her PhD in Health Economics.
Lane Carrandi
Research Officer
Lane is a health economist with Master of Public Health. She has expertise in implementation trials, and economic evaluation of implementation activities. She is part-way through her PhD in Economics and Implementation.

Dr Jennifer Plumb
Research Officer
Jenny is a health services researcher and consultant, with a background in public health policy and mixed methods research. She has 15 years’ industry experience working at both national and local levels in both Australia and England, in government, university, think tank and consulting environments, and holds a PhD in medical anthropology and sociology. Her PhD focussed on how patient safety is understood and enacted by frontline staff in mental health service settings, using ethnographic methods and network-based social theories.
Katherine (Kate) Saw
Research Assistant
Katherine joined the University of Technology Sydney as a Research Assistant in 2021. Katherine is a Registered Nurse with an interest in clinical trials. Prior to embarking on her career in healthcare, Katherine worked in the Investment Banking sector as a commodities specialist across brokerage, sales and trading, and equity research.
Katherine Mackinnon
Research Assistant
Katy works on a variety of research projects related to social service provision for people with disability.
PhD and Master of Health Services Research Scholars
Adel Alabdaly - Associations between patient safety culture and patient experience in a hospital context in Saudi Arabia
Sultan Alsahli – The adoption of Seha, a mobile health application, by physicians in Saudi Arabia
Bonnie Eklom – Measuring efficiency and productivity in maternal health care
Lakshy Ganesh – Exploring ways to optimise the pharmacist’s role in medication adherence of the Sri Lankan Stroke survivors in Australia and Sri Lanka
Hannah Jackson – Pharmacoeconomics of medication use in pregnancy
Linda Justin - Who do you say I am? Language, Culture and their intersection with safety and quality
Shae Karger – Costs of poor birth outcomes for culturally and linguistically diverse women
Alan Morrison - Mapping the paramedicine regulatory community to understand the movement of a new profession into national health practitioner regulation
Elizabeth Paton - From good idea to improving outcomes. Refining the function of clinical research networks to optimise skin cancer research outcomes.
Daniel Shaw - Exploration of the Australian Nurses’ and Midwives’ Perspective of Healthcare Innovation