So you’ve been offered an interview at UTS! Interviews can be pretty nerve-wracking, but they don’t always have to be! UTS Master of Clinical Psychology student Alicia has five top tips for acing your interview at the UTS Graduate School of Health.
Acing the UTS GSH interview: Alicia’s how-to-guide

1. Know your stuff!
It’s a very simple hint, but an invaluable one. The more familiar you are with the content you’re discussing, the more comfortable you will appear in your interview. That way you’re able to portray your true self, not the version of yourself who is trying to repeat word-for-word something you read off the internet! They won’t expect you to be an expert, but be ready to answer questions about why you want to study in your particular field, what your career goals are and what you can bring to the University and to the profession.
2. They’re on your side!
This is something someone told me a few years back about interviews in general, which a lot of people (myself included) often seem to forget. When you go for an interview, the interviewers are on your side! You’ve sent in your application, they obviously liked what they read, they know you can talk the talk, so now it’s time for you to walk the walk! The interviewers aren’t waiting for you to slip up - they want you to do well!
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3. Be yourself
As cheesy as this sounds, it's 100% true!! Given you’re interviewing at the Graduate School of Health, the assumption is that you’re set on a career where you’ll be dealing with people in your day-to-day life, if not now, then certainly in the future. The interviewers want to see what a fantastic communicator you are, how you relate to people and they want to get a sense of you as a person, both inside and outside of your academic arena.
4. Confidence is key
Most people find it tricky to ‘sell themselves’ in interviews. It might feel self-aggrandising or even a bit cocky, but showing off your assets and what you can bring to the table is so important! Be confident in yourself and in your achievements, because let’s face it – you’ve done a great job to get an interview, so let your accomplishments shine.
5. Be organised
Another simple but oh-so-important tip!! Make sure you’re on time for the interview, dressed appropriately and present yourself well. Remember to be professional from the time you walk into the building to the time you leave (*cough cough* no phones!). If you’re required to bring documents, transcripts and the like, ensure you have them ready to go. The interviewers want to see that you are on time, reliable and organised in all areas. This is an easy tip to win big brownie points!
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