Have a question? We answer the most common questions we get from students thinking of studying with us.
Frequently asked questions

As one of the people who manages the GSH.Future inbox, we quite often see the same questions being asked by potential applicants.
While we are always happy to answer your emails and calls, we thought that it might be helpful to create a mini-FAQ in case you have a burning question in the small hours!
Here’s a list of the most frequently asked questions that we see:
Q: Do I have to have an undergraduate degree in a science related field?
A: No! For most of our Master degrees here in the Graduate School of Health (excluding Clinical Psychology) as long as you have an Australian recognised Bachelor Degree, you can meet the pre-requisites through non-award study (or other means) and still be eligible to apply.
Q: I’ve seen that I need to complete some pre-requisites. Can you check if I meet them?
A: If you would like our academic team to pre-assess if you meet the pre-requisite subjects, send us a copy of your transcript to GSH.Future@uts.edu.au, we will request that you almost submit a table identifying which subjects you believe will meet the pre-reqs.
Q: What GPA do I need?
A: All of our courses are highly competitive, and entry is dependent on the calibre of applicants in a given year.
Q: How much does the degree cost?
A: All of the fee information at UTS is available using our fee calculator.
Q: What is the difference between the Master of Pharmacy and Master of Pharmacy (International)?
A: The Master of Pharmacy (International) isn’t just for international applicants - although international students can of course apply. Instead, it is a continuation of the two-year Master of Pharmacy degree, with an extra year of an international placement.
Q: Do I need work experience?
A: For Clinical Psychology and Genetic Counselling, yes. You can check out the exact requirements on the website. For all other disciplines, work experience is not a requirement to apply for the degree.
Q: I haven’t finished my degree yet, can I still apply?
A: We generally advise applicants who are completing their final undergraduate semester to apply promptly after applications open. This is to give applicants the opportunity to have their application assessed while in the final stages of their degree. If an offer is made in this situation, it would be conditional pending the completion of the degree.
Q: When can I apply?
A: Applications open in the second half of the year. We recommend that you let us know that you intend to apply so that we can let you know when applications open.
Q: What is an Orthoptist? Is it the same as an optometrist?
A: No. Orthoptists focus on eye disorders and management – think of an Orthoptist as a ‘therapist for the eyes' – whereas optometrists deal with primary eye care, such as prescribing glasses.
Q: The admission requirements for the Master of Genetic Counselling include “voluntary/paid work experience in a caring role”. What is a caring role?
A: There is not a set criteria on what a caring role involves. However, some things that could be considered a caring role include volunteering at a local hospital or with groups such as Riding for the Disabled and Lifeline.
- Lilli Hayes
GSH Student Engagement Team