The books, journal articles and other literature listed below have been identified by the working party as key resources in assisting academics to embed the Faculty of Health’s Indigenous Graduate Attribute, particularly with regard to colonisation, racism and chronic disease.
Colonisation, racism and chronic disease

Artwork by Lucy Simpson, Gaawaa Miyay Designs,
Behrendt, L. 2012, Indigenous Australia for dummies, John Wiley & Sons, Richmond, Vic.
Kidd, R. 2003, Black lives, government lies, 2nd edn, UNSW Press, Sydney.
Parbury, N. & Lamberton, K. 2005, Survival : a history of Aboriginal life in New South Wales, NSW Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs, Surry Hills, NSW.
Trudgen, R.I. 2000, Why warriors lie down and die : towards an understanding of why the Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land face the greatest crisis in health and education since European contact : djambatj mala, Aboriginal Resource & Development Services, Darwin.
Lennon, J. 2011, I’m the one that know this country!, 2nd edn.
Rose, D.B. 1991, Hidden histories : black stories from Victoria River Downs, Humbert River and Wave Hill Stations, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra.
Peer reviewed articles
Doyle, K. 2011, ‘Modes of Colonisation and Patterns of Contemporary Mental Health: Towards an Understanding of Canadian Aboriginal, Australian Aboriginal and Maori Peoples’, Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 20-23.
Hoy, W.E. 2011, ‘Research, information and consent for the Australian Health Survey: a separate standard for Indigenous people?’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 194, no. 10, pp. 509-510.
Kelaher, Margaret A. ; Ferdinand, Angeline S. ; Paradies, Yin. Experiencing racism in health care: the mental health impacts for Victorian Aboriginal communities. Medical Journal of Australia, July 7, 2014, Vol.201(1), p.44-47.
Priest, N.C., Paradies, Y.C., Gunthorpe, W., Cairney, S.J. & Sayers, S.M. 2011, ‘Racism as a determinant of social and emotional wellbeing for Aboriginal Australian youth’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 194, no. 10, pp. 546-550.
Toombs, M. 2012, ‘Ethical Research for Indigenous People by Indigenous Researchers’, Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 24-26.
Trueman, S.W.T., Mills, J. & Usher, K. 2011, ‘Racism in Contemporary Australian Nursing’, Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 19-22.
Useful weblinks
Commission, A.H.R. [2013], Racism. It stops with me, Australian Human Rights Commission, viewed 20 June 2013
AV resources
The Act of Reconciliation 2013
Australian PM, Julia Gillard, calling for support of Constitutional Recognition Feb 2013
Paul Keating’s Redfern Park Speech, 10 December 1992, [Part 1] and [Part 2]
Significance of Keating’s Redfern Speech June 2013
Supporting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recognition Bill 2013
Ken Wyatt speaks about Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait 2012
You Me Unity – Panel Report Handover (of Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander), PM Julia Gillard Speech, Jan 2012
You Me Unity – Panel Report Handover, Mark Leibler Speech 2012
You Me Unity – Panel Report Handover, The Hon. Jenny Macklin MP Speech
You are Here – Occupation Native
Indigenous Australians mark 20th anniversary of Redfern Speech Dec 2012
Prohibition of racial discrimination in the Australian Constitution, Prof. Mark Dodson
Julia Gillard: Closing the Gap speech to Parliament, 2011
PM calls for Indigenous referendum: Sky News Nov 8 2011
Gillard Aust Republic and Aboriginal Referendum August 2010
Kevin Rudd Apology Speech 13 Feb 2008
Kevin Rudd’s Apology to “The Stolen Generation”
John Howard restates opposition to Indigenous apology, March 2008
See also, the TV series The First Australians produced for the SBS Network and available online