The books, journal articles and other literature listed below have been identified by the working party as key resources in assisting academics to embed the Faculty of Health’s Indigenous Graduate Attribute, particularly with regard to the Heterogeneity of Indigenous Australians.
Heterogeneity of Indigenous Australians

Artwork by Lucy Simpson, Gaawaa Miyay Designs,
Behrendt, L. 2012, Indigenous Australia for dummies, John Wiley & Sons, Richmond, Vic.
Hargrave, S. 1991, Whitefella Culture, Summer Institute of Linguistics. Australian Aborigines and Islanders Branch, 1990 – Aboriginal Australians
Trudgen, R.I. 2000, Why warriors lie down and die : towards an understanding of why the Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land face the greatest crisis in health and education since European contact : djambatj mala, Aboriginal Resource & Development Services, Darwin.
Peer reviewed articles
Baunach, E., Lines, D., Pedwell, B., Lange, F., Cooney, R. & Taylor, H.R. 2012, ‘The Development of Culturally Safe and Relevant Health Promotion Resources for Effective Trachoma Elimination in Remote Aboriginal Communities’, Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 9-16.
Grey literature
(PDF) Towards a shared understanding of terms and concepts: strengthening nursing and midwifery care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples / Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses. Canberra: CATSIN, 2013
Useful weblinks
Australian Museum: Indigenous Australians: Australia’s First Peoples exhibition.
See also, the TV series First Australians produced for the SBS Network and available online.