The books, journal articles and other literature listed below have been identified by the working party as key resources in assisting academics to embed the Faculty of Health’s Indigenous Graduate Attribute, particularly with regard to transgenerational trauma.
Transgenerational trauma

Artwork by Lucy Simpson, Gaawaa Miyay Designs,
Kidd, R. 2003, Black lives, government lies, 2nd edn, UNSW Press, Sydney
Trudgen, R.I. 2000, Why warriors lie down and die : towards an understanding of why the Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land face the greatest crisis in health and education since European contact : djambatj mala, Aboriginal Resource & Development Services, Darwin.
Peer reviewed articles
Jorm, A.F., Bourchier, S.J., Cvetkovski, S. & Stewart, G. 2012, ‘Mental health of Indigenous Australians: a review of findings from community surveys’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 196, pp. 118-121.
Useful weblinks
Commonwealth of Australia 1997, Bringing them home: National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their families (PDF), Commonwealth of Australia, viewed 20 June 2013.
Edith Cowan University 2013, Australian Indigenous HealthInfonet (website), Edith Cowan University, viewed 21 June 2013.
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission [2007], Us Taken-Away Kids : Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the ‘Bringing them home’ report (PDF), Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.
AV resources
PM Gillard delivers apology to victims of forced adoption – Full Speech 21 Mar 2013
PM Kevin Rudd’s Apology to “The Stolen Generation”